a dog with food, a dog with a blanket, a dog sleeping with two kids and a dog getting a hug. What your dog is grateful for

What your dog is grateful for this holiday season

Most of us love our dogs as much as we love our human family, sometimes even more (shhh, I won’t tell on you). It makes sense that we think of them a little like humans, but they are not humans, and they view the world differently from us. For fun, let’s consider what your dog […]


November 30, 2022

Let’s Make a Difference for the Animals of PACC

Let’s Make a Difference for the Animals of PACC

This season let’s make a difference for the animals of PACC by taking just a few minutes to give something small but special. First, let me tell you a little story about why I think it’s important to sweat the small stuff. My Story Once upon a time, I was trying to get into the […]


November 25, 2022

Helping Animal Shelters Matters this holiuday season

Helping Animal Shelters Matters

Let’s talk about 3 ways helping animal shelters matters this holiday season! With so many deserving causes to support this time of year, why should we keep animal shelters and rescues in mind as we enter another holiday season? 1. ‘Tis the season for community fellowship. Animal shelters keep the community safe by providing shelter […]


November 8, 2022

Buddy the dog at the lake

Three ways adopting a pet will change your life

Buddy made me a better person, more patient, more understanding, and maybe even better adjusted. He accompanied me everywhere for 12 years, and even though I know life would change without him, camping and traveling haven’t been the same since he left 3 years ago.


October 3, 2022